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On vacation in nicaragua


Supporting Member
I was born in Leon Nicaragua in 1981 and left to the US in 1983. I have visited once before about 15 years ago and decided to come back. The country is gorgeous and there is a lot to see. My favorite place so far is a city called Granada which is oldest colonial city in the Americas(colonized in 1524). It is very tourist friendly and has an active volcano real close by called Mombacho (which is also a cloud rainforest and has several coffee plantations on it). Crazy views and great coffee. The volcano erupted in 1500 which also created 365 small to large islands in lake Nicaragua. We took a boat tour to look at the different islands and ended up having a spider monkey named Lucy jump on board and drink my orange soda. She was put on her own private island by a doctor who owned them and could no longer take care of her and the other 3 males. Must be nice to be them. Ha ha. Anyway now my wife and I are on a small island off the coast in the atlantic side of the country called Corn Island. This place is still pristine and very few places are out here. The corals are completely untouched which makes it great for you divers out here. I would recommend to stay in the hotel called Casa Canada. Very nice for 129 a night. Anyway I will post pics of the island and the country when I get back on the 20th of this month. I am very homesick and can't wait to see my tank and my wife's tank. Other than that I love it out here.
gimmito said:
My "suegra" is from Granada !

Believe it or not my wife has never been to her parents birthplace...one day !
Man Granada is gorgeous. It has been my favorite place so far besides big corn island . So much to see in Granada. You should convince her to go while it is still cheap. Rooms that would cost you 500 plus in the US cost you 129. Lobster anything on corn island cost 10 dollars. Filet mignon on the main land cost 10 to 15 dollars. Food is sooo cheap and good.
Kensington Reefer said:
Coral pics!
And don't miss the boat home!
Have fun
Unfortunately my wife got sick and we decided not to go, but I went fishing with my brother and caught so many fish. Just got done eating some grunt, yellowtail and queen triggerfish for dinner that I caught. Damn I hate to say it but the trigger fish is so damn good fried. Oh man you just don't even know.
Thanks Erin. So far everything has been great. I have been out out here for 10 days so far and have 2 days left. I can't drink anymore Flor de Cana rum anymore. I have had it in almost every drink I have ordered since I have been here. So cheap out here. Anyway I am done for the night. Going into a food coma right now. Too much fish. Ha ha. Too much fish. Can't believe I just said that.