Neptune Aquatics

Original Mummy Eye Chalice

Steady slow growth...

Looking to reclaim some space in my Reefer 250, so I’m planning on returning the entire piece back into the DBTC pool. It’s a little bigger than 4x4” and will cut it up depending on how many members are interested in joining the DBTC (up to 4). I'll keep this open until Wednesday night, then I'll power up the bandsaw. Pick up in Castro Valley.

@Mozby @Cheedo @JGO66

Pieces have been cut. Let me know when you'd like to come by to pick up. I've never been scared of fresh cuts, but if you'd prefer to wait, let me know when you'd like to come by. That will do it for the frags that I have available as I decided to keep one.

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It’s been so long I almost forgot so thanks for giving this thread a bump. Mine has been threw many ups and downs over the years but survived and has been doing really good