Cali Kid Corals

OT: Live Dungeness Crabs


Supporting Member
I am going to buy live crabs on a Friday and cook them up Sunday. Is it a good idea to keep these guys alive in a tub with chilled saltwater(56F) and an airstone? How about using my tank water(chilled)?

Also, buying some shellfish. Better to keep them in saltwater or just in the fridge? TIA.
For live Crabs you are better off boiling them right away and then put it in the fridge they are very good cold, you can keep them live but they will degrade and becomes less sweet. If you are planing to make some kind of seafood stew then make sure to clean the crabs really good before boiling them and then save some of the water.

Shell fish such as clams, you can soak them in cold salt water with a bit of corn meal overnight, this will help them release all of the sands. Muscles they are better off in the fridge.

Sounds like you are having a nice little feast :D
+1 to what NB reefer said.

crabs begin to loose their sweetness the moment you take them out of the water (the moment they stop eating). you're better off cooking them right away and reheating if you want them warm or just eating them cold. Otherwise the meat will become less sweet and a little mushy.
Yes, and Yes.

I like to steam them, the meat tends to stay a little more firm and if the critter is missing a leg the little guy doesn't fill up with water.
sid700 said:
Thank you everyone. I'll cook up the crabs Friday.

BTW, how long do you steam a crab?

Another way to steam them is boil up about 1" of water in the pan, sprinkle with dry red pepper flakes (the type you see in the pizza parlor, a couple of table spoons of white vinegar, cut a lemon or lime in half squeeze it and throw the whole thing in, put in sliced 1/2 an onion, bring water to a full boil. put the crabs inside the pan "face up" the crab butter will help make the meat more rich and sweet. Cover and bring the whole thing back to boil. From this point continue to boil for 12 minutes and voila ... perfect steamed crabs. When you take the crabs out put them in a plate "face down" to drain any leftover liquid. You can't go wrong doing it this way :D

BTW, bodega bay Doran park has crabs within 50 feet of the jetty you can catch them fresh ....LOL I caught 6 last time I went.