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Paired Pistol shrimp & goby

Whats the purpose of having this duo is it just for viewing purposes?
I went crazy at the beginning with 10 tanks running at one point. Did one as a 24gal aqua top AIO with a a deep sand bed specifically for a pistol shrimp and a yasha goby so they could go crazy building the burrow. Lost so many frags to them lol. The pistol shrimp would pull anything it could and bring it into their burrow. It was also funny watching the shrimp carry hermit crabs or snails away from the burrow if they got too close. But yes sole purpose was to witness their symbiotic relationship.

Here's the old tank journal for it.
I went crazy at the beginning with 10 tanks running at one point. Did one as a 24gal aqua top AIO with a a deep sand bed specifically for a pistol shrimp and a yasha goby so they could go crazy building the burrow. Lost so many frags to them lol. The pistol shrimp would pull anything it could and bring it into their burrow. It was also funny watching the shrimp carry hermit crabs or snails away from the burrow if they got too close. But yes sole purpose was to witness their symbiotic relationship.

Here's the old tank journal for it.
That's exactly what I'm trying to do. I wanna add a anemone so the Clowns have something as well.