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patrickb's Anemone Propogation Tank

177ike said:
eldiablosrt8 said:
I have a nice surgery lot for that....

I've been eyeing my butcher's knife with that thought in mind. Only problem is I have two clowns hosting the nem, Maroons.. I understand it also takes time for nems to heal after cutting them in half.. I'd think slicing my nem might disrupt my reef just a bit. The Maroons will go crazy for sure.

Do like Jason (eight) did and keep them segregated from the clowns with one of those specimen containers from pet club or petco. I did the same thing. Just attach it to the aquarium with some magnets. I used a large mag float. I still have the container in my tank but now I have it as a place to hold my mangroves.
@A_Lee --I currently have 3 different anemones--the dolphin pet village anemone (purple with neon green tips), a rose anemone (with a really bright turquoise base), and a dark pink/purple anemone with really bright purple tips.

All the anemones are doing really well right now and I think next weekend will be slicing and dicing time.

I'm still looking for a flame anemone or lemon drop anemone so if anyone knows someone selling one let me know.
We have to get one of those page 1 nems in your hands so you can work magic. I still am quite fond of that "candy cane" one based on that pic. I have a fish that would be so electric in that nem.
patrickb said:
I'm still looking for a flame anemone or lemon drop anemone so if anyone knows someone selling one let me know.

LA wholesale had zero as of this week... I'm still up for doing halvsies lol :D
Here is what I feed the anemones. I feed about 2 or 3 times a week. The anemones seem to really like the scallops much more than the silversides. I'm gonna try some squid next and then keep switching to give them a varied diet.

Last weekend was slice and dice time! Here is how I cut the anemones

I chose the big rose anemone I got from sfsuphysics as the guinea pig

I gave it a couple of swirls to make it the anemone expel its water and make it get smaller

Here's the foot of the anemone. The smooth PVC pipe should make the anemone a piece of cake to peel off

Peeling off the foot--man, I wish I didn't bite my nails. This is still pretty tricky.

Got it finally. With minimal damage to foot (not that it really matter since I gonna chop it in half anyways).

Sweeney Todd comes to mind

Did I ever tell you I also perform brisses?

And then there were 2! Tada!

Putting the 2 halves back into the PVC pipes so that they can reattach.

One of the 2 halves freaked out a little bit and split again on its own. I now have 3 (its hard to tell in the photo)

I'm gonna let them heal for a couple of weeks and then put them on the BAR DBTC.
patrickb said:
I'm more interested in getting this anemone from them when it become available:


Stumbled across this one :) Any leads on a lemon drop/flame/colorado?
Icon--I got something in the works right now. I'll know for sure on Monday so I don't want to jinx it and say too much for fear of it no longer being available. If it comes through, I'll need to get rid of all my anemones right away to prevent the infection/disease I got last time I had too many anemones.

Do you have any more pictures of the anemone you got? Share! :)
patrickb said:
Icon--I got something in the works right now. I'll know for sure on Monday so I don't want to jinx it and say too much for fear of it no longer being available. If it comes through, I'll need to get rid of all my anemones right away to prevent the infection/disease I got last time I had too many anemones.

Do you have any more pictures of the anemone you got? Share! :)

I'll post a pic when I get around to taking one :)

Can you elaborate on the infection/disease disaster that happened last time? Was it from overcrowding, too many different strains, a single bad nem that infected the rest?
I got my disease from an anemone. Not sure what caused it--probably some virus or something. The anemones would just waste away and constantly deflate with their mouth's wide open. Both myself and Jason (Eight) got the same disease and it wiped out about $1000 in anemones for myself (and probably way more than that amount for Eight).
Colorado Sunburst Anemone. Come on down!

Well, the contact I had came through for me and I will soon have a really cool anemone. The somewhat famous Colorado Sunburst Anemone. Its pretty small--about 3-4 inches when fully expanded but hopefully its a quick grower. Its bright orange with a nice, vibrant green base, and somewhat yellow tips. Its also known for having really crooked shaped tentacles. See below for pics.

Its supposed to arrive this Friday so I think I better get busy selling some of these anemones.
@houser--yep, gonna get rid of all the previous anemones so that no chance of infections/viruses/whatever it was that hurt my anemones happens again.

@99SF--I would love to put it into my display tank but its connected to my frag tank. Plus, since I'm trying to propagate the anemones, getting it off of rocks is really hard compared to a pvc pipe. Maybe once I have 4 or 5 of them, I'll put one in my tank permanently.
Anemones are cool. hehe hehe hehe (in the voice of Beavis)
Real nice work, Patrick. I love nems and had a tank dedicated to a single bubble with a maroon clown in it. It did fine for about a year "way back when". When I had a nice RBT in my main tank, it prowled around and stung the ta-ta out of my coral. Hmmmm. I've usually had them do very well for a while then go into a decline and die.
Keep it up, Dude, looking good. :bigsmile: