Not sure which Acro it is, it's yellow. I hope they grow fast, it seems that while everything is alive and looking good in our tank, growth is a bit slow.Which Reef Raft acro? Watch that valida, fast grower and aggressive.
You have quite a few fast growers. Make sure to space them out.
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I respect that. HonorNah, I worked too hard raising them to send them to fish hell
Yeah, not a hair of gha and I feed the tank really good twice a day.Looking really good, looks like you got the gha under control?
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I wouldnt be surprised.I think I see Jimmy Hoffa somewhere in there...
I always post pictures of Peter's garage tank, but never his bedroom tank. So here's one of his bedroom tankView attachment 8074
Rainbow Monti from LegendaryWhat is that growing on the skull in the back there?
No dosing and a lot of plankton/pods/rotifersDang that tank looking great! No dosing?
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Thanks!Awesome tanks!
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