Hey Liz,Your corals look pretty healthy to me, growing and encrusting fast right? The bonsai you gave me was meaty and had a lot of nice pods living in the plug. I didn’t see any parasites that could irritate the coral and cause the polyps to close. Maybe you just have the high growth regime with high alk and nutrients where you would expect extra zooxanthellae (some extra brown color). I think I have the ULNS regime with good color and PE but growth is slowish, I feed reef roids and Acropower and feed the fish a lot just to make sure they get some fuel. I wonder if PE is better in ULNS systems because corals are hungry and feel the need to catch their food to grow? If corals are getting enough fuel from nitrate in the water they’re probably safer keeping their polyps closed where fish can’t nip at them?
I’m keeping an eye on your bonsai’s to see if they “turn into” Garfs in my tankthey look pretty similar to my Garf and I might put them next to each other to see if they fuse...
The frags look great!! Better than they do in my tank. The are originally from @Kmooresf and he uses it as his avatar:
In my reef, they are more brown than purple. Overall I think my reef is doing good for its first year. I have killed very few corals and they are all growing and encrusting. Like most reefers, I am just trying to bring it up a notch. I think that my water is dirty and after watching a BRS video that he says to fill a white 5gallon bucket and then look at the difference in color, I am sure my water would benefit from some carbon.
I didnt realize just how yellow my water is. So goal is to remove more crud and add some trace via dosing with Zeovit.
Cheers! Mark