Neptune Aquatics

PIF Fish - Cleaner Crew - Nems

Okie dokie looks like everything is claimed. Looks like this Sunday will be the mass delivery. For those not meeting at Neptunes I will be drop your stuff off either done 680 or 880. Please confirm you’re good to go for Sunday. I’ll DM everyone later this week to double check with everyone again

Time: 12:30
Place: Neptunes Aquatics

@Baykes FoxFace
@Adauqua Orange Spotted Rabbit / Snails
@Yuklungsum Pajama Cardinal / Snails

@Srt4eric Cucumber
@MichaelB SM-MED Snails / 1 RBTA
@Alexander1312 MED-LRG Snails
@tribbitt SM Snails
@Fish Boss SM-MED Snails / RBTA
@B the Nano Reefer SM-MED Snails
@wazzupmac LRG Green Brittle Star / 1 RBTA
@Woeday MED Snails / 1 RBTA
can some one grab the pinkish/purple urchin and trochus snails for me please then i can pick it up from them on weekdays. I will be busy this sunday.
Sunday Tomorrow

@Ayman Med Snails / Urchin
Are you able to meet at the Hayward Pet club or Neptunes?

27451 Hesperian Blvd
Hayward, CA 94545

Please be ready for a drive by saltwater ballon catch.
@Yuklungsum PJ Cardinal / Snails
@wazzupmac XLRG G B Star / 1 RBTA


1238 N Fifth St
San Jose, CA 95112

I will be there for the shortest amount of time I can so please be prompt.
@Baykes FoxFace
@Adauqua OS Rabbit / LRG Snails
@Srt4eric Cucumber / SM Snails
@MichaelB SM-MED Snails / 1 RBTA
@tribbitt SM Snails
@Fish Boss SM-MED Snails / RBTA
@Woeday MED Snails / 1 RBTA


Walnut Creek Drop

Will drop these on my way home.
@Alexander1312 MED-LRG Snails
@B the Nano Reefer SM-MED Snails
@DaddyHook - I have simple sps like lime anacropora, purple stylo, forest fire digi, candy crush jawbreaker xroom frags if you’re interested.
Pests: vermetid snails, aiptasia (used to have but don’t see anymore in DT, eliminated by CBB and peppermint shrimps)
Lemme know