
PIF: trident printed form factor (edit)

L/B Block

Supporting Member
Two items for supporting members only:
1) Trident alt form factor. Funny enough the original fits better in my sump. Note-there is one piece that needs to be 3D reprinted (the lime looking thing (@ashburn2k ) or another can print it out.

You can use a tab of glue to also hold the curvette in place but I found I didn’t need to.
It does need a cleaning as well.

2nd item- co2 scrubber cap for an octo reef skimmer. There are many that this will acccomodate. If you look it up online it will give you all the protein skimmers it works with. Comes with hose.

Pick up Oakland. I can drop items at high tide as well.


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You are generous, but I am surprised you give away the CO2 lid. This is one of the few reasons not to switch to a Deltec skimmer, as I have not seen them selling these.