
Please help me get rid of clam hitch hikers.

Here's the picture. Sorry it isn't great, but you can see the aiptasia, the 2 spots of pocillipora and two large vermetid worms (they are the pink spots near the edge of the clam.

Hi Norm,

If the clam stays tightly closed, do you think I can run it under the tap? Or would that be too scary because of the chlorine in the water? It would make cleaning it a lot simpler.
i don't think you're really supposed to have clams out of water at all. it's my understanding that they'll take in air, hence having to "burp" them when adding them to your display.
reefdan said:
i don't think you're really supposed to have clams out of water at all. it's my understanding that they'll take in air, hence having to "burp" them when adding them to your display.

Hi reefdan. I do know that it can be done if the clam shuts tightly. I have done it in the past with this clam and with no ill effects. Air bubbles are a major concern though, so I don't like to do it unless absolutely necessary. I believe the hitch hikers have to go because not only are they unsightly, but some are irritating the clam and some will grow too large and may do damage if I don't take care of it now. That Poci will grow into a huge heavy colony, and the aiptasia stings. So, as much as I hate taking the clam out of the water, I have no choice but too. Unfortunately, it is living in my 12 gal., and there just isn't enough room to maneuver around it inside. The hardest part about removing the clam from the tank is that it has attached its foot to a piece of rock (luckily not too large), where as before, it was attached to a small snail shell. :~
Clams can be take out of water with no real worries. One of the treatments for Pinched mantle is to FW dip them in fact. I don't think it would be a real problem if you put it under tap if it was closed up. I know people that do that with corals in fact.
Chloramine/chlorine tap water should be fine. Not like the clam is going to be inhaling a bunch of tap water.

If you're worried, you could put the water in a bucket with some Prime.

I'll run frag plugs under tap water to get rid of aiptasia. They swell up and dissolve. I just try not to get water on the frags themselves.

Zoas don't care though. I'll run those under tap water without bothering to dechlor or buffer.
Thanks for the info Gresham and Norm. :) :)

Wil, I'll take some pics and post them when I get it done. I've been a bit busy lately, but hopefully this week...