Maybe consider contacting lfs or bussineses already doing it. Get hired and see how they do it take in the good and bad of it all. Do it 6months to a year. Afterwards you will either have a head start and information needed to excel or you will say its not for me.
Doing your tank is one thing. Yet other people can be jerks, conceited, not take your advice, want you to work for free, just plain diffcult expecting the impossible.
Are you capable of dealing with people, tech and marketing skills?
Also by working for someone in a feild your considering you will learn easier ways of doing things, how to save time meaning earn more. I could keep going but working for someone in the feild would be like you getting a college degree while getting paid to do it.
Don't mean to make things sound impossible by any means, just a very good option working for someone who does it before jumping head first in the pitch black while blindfolded.
Working for them would let you see what they charge and how they gain clients, keep them, market themselves. Plus tools they use most likely very different and more effective than what you use at home.