What kind of feed? PhytoFeast, plankton? Anything recommended or that works best?
I regularly feed live phytoplankton to my systems. I have also used PhytoFeast and other phyto products but I believe live foods are always better. I view live phyto as a major building block to the health and nutritional levels of my inhabitants. It feeds a majority of my inhabitants in some way, directly and indirectly. I actually just got a fresh batch of tetraselmis from
@Coral Hub (Nathan). I highly recommend getting yourself live phyto from him. The best I've tried from multiple sources.
LPS - I feed a variety of mixed concoctions at least 2-3x/week. Sometimes I will hold off for a week to allow them to digest and recover. Plus to reduce nutrient issues. My mixed concoctions are very nutrient rich and dense. So I target feed mostly. Any residual foods get broadcast throughout the tank and I'm certain my sps grab up the miniscule particles.
An example of what I mix up is:
Live phyto, thawed mysis, RN roti-feast, pac-pods, artic-pods, powdered coral foods (reef roids, benereef, reef chili, etc.), and TDO pellets (ground and whole).
Also, I have fed my LPS whole pellets of RN TDO and/or Benepets LPS Pellets.
For sps target feeding, I mix phyto with micro powdered coral foods. I have also mixed in Reef Nutrition's Oyster Feast and RotiFeast. Some sps have large enough polyps to accept larger pods. Most don't though. So I try to keep my sps target feeding to the smallest available foods I have on hand.