Cali Kid Corals

Props to Triton for ICP QC


Past President
I occasionally send off an ICP test to Triton, been doing so for years. My latest one came back mostly as expected except for 3 trace elements that were mildly elevated and that I had no explanation for why they might be. I figured there’s just some noise in these tests and wasn’t going to make much of it. Maybe retest sooner than I otherwise would to make sure not a trend.

Then a week later they sent me notice that they found a rare QC issue and re-ran the analysis (they always have us send backup sample tubes). The re-do came out as I expected, without the 3 weird values. So kudos to Triton for 1) having a QC process they take seriously, 2) having us routinely send backup vials so they can rerun if needed, 3) rerunning the samples at no extra cost and without bugging me about it, 4) being transparent about the whole thing.

This is why I’m happy to pay more for Triton vs other lower-cost options. Trust is everything when it comes to deciding what to do with testing values you have no independent way to verify.
As I am coming up on my last ATI test -contemplating switching to another company. What is their turn around rate @JVU ?

I like ATI- but its usually at least week turn around being shipped to Germany.