
Protein Skimmer Problems


Supporting Member
So I finally get through the cycle, and I add a couple crab and snails and now all the sudden the protein skimmer is causing air bubbles to go into the return pump putting loads of air bubbles in the tank. I turned off the protein skimmer and everything clears up, but is there a way to get the protein skimmer working in a productive way without cluttering up my tank with bubbles? AHHHHHH!!!!
Baffles between skimmer and return? stick some piping on the output of the skimmer?... basically make it harder for the bubbles to reach the pump.
I forgot to mention that this is a 29g Bio Cube tank. So it's got the three sections in the overflow on the back. The return pump is on the far left, the protein skimmer in the middle and the overflow on the right...
what kind of filter bag? wouldnt it get all caught in the intake? do you have a photo or more descriptive on that? Im so close to starting the tank...