Cali Kid Corals

Put this on your Christmas list!

Kind of steep for shipping as well. Just had a $150k painting packed, insured and shipped to London for just a hundred above that.
I had to google search to know what a chanchito was, first image was amusing, I had to look a little deeper I think you were talking about cichlids, but you never know :) I always have safe search off.
>runs to google to see what Erick saw<

OH um OK, not what Jeremy was talking about (animal suit one)
Haha, I had no idea :D

For folks not in the know the Chanchito was one of the original South American cichlids brought into the hobby. Demand faded before farming of S.A. cichlids became the norm and eventually the fish disappeared from the hobby for a long stretch and has made its way back finally, they are beautiful little guys..
Erick said:
I clicked it, I won't lie :p

I'm at work with my dual 22" monitors facing a hallway with glass french doors... no clicking for me at work :lol: