
Quarantine Tank help!!

well the only survivor was the sohal he was still breathing
so i took him out of the QT nad moved to another QT tank that is no dose with copper. He was on his back for the night then next morning was up and swimming. I had a feeling it was the uppramine since i did think i over dosed. I thought my QT tank was a 50 gallon tank andon the instruction said 16 drops per 10.5 gallons. Turn out hte measurement converted to volume my QT was only 45 i took out like 15 galons of water and replace with fresh salt but that didn't help. Sonow i am being extra careful when i am going to dose cupramine. I have since bought a lot of sponge filter from marine depot and placed in my sump so it can collect nitrifying bacteria and so when i need to make a new QT tank i have a tank with some kinda biological filtration already seeded.
That's smart on the sponge filters. I keep one going in a small tank with a deviant damsel all the time, just in case...

Do you know what kind of disease they had/have?
it was ick. It isn't velvet cause my fishes would of died quick. They had ick on them for the last month or so they were eating great jsut i couldn't stand to watch them scratch themselves . I figure i should try io erradicate it form the tank and give them a better home. Now i think aobut it they would of had a beter chance fighting it off on their own. The ones that's been in the tank the longest always had it come and go and it's fine but hte powder blue was look really ick infested but he was alive and healthy eating liek a pig.

50 gallons is a large amount of water to filter naturally. If you still need more chaeto, I'll most likely, and amazingly, will be in Antioch on Friday.
Tangs are quite suseptible to ick, at least from what I have read; especially powder blues. The ick parasites go through a cyclical life phase, which accounts for them having it off and on. If you did not remove the fish from the tank, that tank would always be infested with ick. Being constantly infested with parasites weakens the fishes immunity and ability to fight off other diseases; not to mention how miserable of a life that might be. In your place, I know I would have treated the fish too.

Make sure you keep your main tank fallow long enough to break the cycle (maybe a couple of cycles) of ick parasites. They are dependant on a fish host to reproduce and survive. My magic number is 2 months. Also, you will want to make sure (to the best of your ability) that your remaining Sohol is free of the parasite before you put it in the main tank again, or you will reinfest it.

Have you thought of what you are going to do with the remaining fish and it's ick problem?
i am doing hypo right now on the remaining fish it's sitting at 1009 salinity. I am not planning ot restock the display until end of october. Should be long enough to let the cycled break.
Sounds good, and remember to quarantine any new fish before putting them in the main tank, preferably one at a time. It's when I've rushed in the past, that I've gotten into trouble, so take your time. Patience is truly a virtue. :)

Also, you might want to think about getting some cleaner shrimp or cleaner gobies (after the ick is gone) for preventative parasite maintenance. They are not a cure-all, but picking parasites off fish is their function in the wild. (Just make sure you don't get cleaner wrasses. They die without parasites to eat, and that is what we are hoping for in our tanks).
Oh, another thing...Hypo salinity may or may not work. Some have good luck with it, and others don't. I prefer a combination approach.

When you are ready to reintroduce your fish to the main tank, you may want to bring the salinity up to normal and watch the fish for several weeks to see if the Ick redevelops.

Best wishes to you and your Sohol. :)