
Question for those who has a small tank...

How do you control the temp? I have a 29G and I'm having a hard time keeping the temp in control.
I have a Pan World 50PX-X pump for close loop and 2x1200 maxijet pumps (one for skimmer and one for flow). If I turn off my 16" fan, the water temp goes up to 83 degree. And that is before the light (250W MH) turn on. It would be nice if I can turn off the fan when the light is not on. Oh yeah, my house temp is around 67-70 degree.
Your problem is all those pumps are producing way too much heat. You have 130 watts going on all the time in there. Thats like having a 130w heater stuck on the on position. Hard to keep temps low without fans or a chiller on that, even without lights on.
Hmmm...on my 29g I'm also using the Pan World 50PX-X for my closed-loop, Mag 7 for return, Sedra 3500 for my skimmer, and Rio 200 for HOB fuge. Temperature's been fine. And I only turn on my canopy fans when my 250MH turn on. Do you have a sump? My Mag and Sedra are located down there, so the extra surface area helps with the cooling.
No sump.... I don't have a clue why the temp so high.. The Pan World pump feel warm. I don't know how much heat it adds to the tank. Could it be my MJ pumps?? I will turn them off to see if that help...
Do you have the Mag 7 internal or external? I know Mag pump creates a lot of heat... I'm suprise that you don't have any temp problem..
Well the maxijets by themselves are only 20w each. But you might want to unplus each item one by one and test your temos that way. You might have a bad oump that is putting out too much heat.
All my pumps are internal except the Pan World. If you have a heater, unplug that too and see if it makes a difference. Maybe it's malfunctioning.