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Questions about return pump and bottlenecking - Reefer 350 w/ Sicce 7.0


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I've got a RS 350 that I'm trying to hook up a sicce ADV 7.0 - 1900gph.. I understand this pump is obviously oversized but looking to shoot for higher gph overall..

The return line hose barb on the tank is 5/8". The pump fittings are up to 1 1/4".. Running a 5/8" hose from pump to tank return causes some vibration in the pump due to restricted flow.. Would running a 1" hose 3 feet to the return, then bottlenecking it to 5/8" cause the same flow restriction? The stock return pvc is 3/4, even though the drain pvc are 1"; why? idk...
Resistance is related to narrowness of the diameter and length of that diameter. So reducing the length of the narrow diameter segment will reduce the overall resistance and you’ll get better flow. There is no bottlenecking in flowing water in the usual sense of the word, where the smallest diameter would set the pace for the whole length, it doesn’t work like that. It’s not very intuitive. It just flows faster in the narrower parts, but keeps flowing. Think of a river with wide and narrow parts. The total resistance is the sum of the resistance of each part, so any segment you can widen will improve flow.
Resistance is related to narrowness of the diameter and length of that diameter. So reducing the length of the narrow diameter segment will reduce the overall resistance and you’ll get better flow. There is no bottlenecking in flowing water in the usual sense of the word, where the smallest diameter would set the pace for the whole length, it doesn’t work like that. It’s not very intuitive. It just flows faster in the narrower parts, but keeps flowing. Think of a river with wide and narrow parts. The total resistance is the sum of the resistance of each part, so any segment you can widen will improve flow.
super helpful! thank you! Should i keep all runs as short as possible, or would elongating the largest diameter tubing also be a detriment?
super helpful! thank you! Should i keep all runs as short as possible, or would elongating the largest diameter tubing also be a detriment?
Shorter runs of all segments is always better with respect to resistance, since it’s diameter and length of run of that diameter that determines resistance, and they all add up (not average). But if you need more length, the larger diameter parts have a lot less resistance so they are less critical to keep short. Keep in mind also 90 deg elbows increase resistance quite a bit.
I've got a RS 350 that I'm trying to hook up a sicce ADV 7.0 - 1900gph.. I understand this pump is obviously oversized but looking to shoot for higher gph overall..

The return line hose barb on the tank is 5/8". The pump fittings are up to 1 1/4".. Running a 5/8" hose from pump to tank return causes some vibration in the pump due to restricted flow.. Would running a 1" hose 3 feet to the return, then bottlenecking it to 5/8" cause the same flow restriction? The stock return pvc is 3/4, even though the drain pvc are 1"; why? idk...
I believe this is a 90-gallon tank, correct? What is the purpose of getting this high return flow?