High Tide Aquatics

Rainbow Montipora

Your welcome! And thank you for the feedback.
That is what this club is all about. :)
I had it under 250 w MH up high.
JAR said:
I had it under 250 w MH up high.

Hi John. It was a pleasure to meet you at the lecture. I wanted to let you know the Rainbow Monti is starting to color up nicely under my 175s. I wanted to ask about the interesting media you have the Monti mounted on? It appears to be some sort of shell. I like it, as I tend to mount my frags on rubble instead of plugs. Thank you for putting the R.M. into the DBTC.

Happy Reefing,
Reef Keeper
my camera's in the shop, but my friend came over and shot a few pictures of the frag with a 105mm macro + 2x teleconverter, got a ridiculous magnification, I'll link you to his pictures when he gets them up.
Hey all,
How are these frags doing?
They like a lot of light to color up.
If for some reason yours goes south, let me know and I will replace it.
I am making more!
JAR said:
How are these frags doing?

Thanks for asking: Mine is still brown with some light green polyps. It's at the top of the reef under 2x 175W 20k Reeflux MHs. I'm target feeding Elos zooplankton, R.N. Oyster feast and R.N. Roti daily. It looks likes it wants to blue up.

Mine is doing well. keeping it's colors even though it's towards the bottom of my tank. I'm blasting it with 2x175watt 15K Iwasaki's though, so it should be happy. Getting a 4x54watt T5 + 2x250watt HQI in the mail in a few weeks, that'll probably enhance it all a bit too.

Since my camera's in the shop, here's the latest shot of it from my friend's camera:

Attached files
JAR said:
It will. I never target fed any of my montis and they did fine.

Thank you for letting me know.

FWIW, Jeremy told me that Montis enjoy feeding off the bacterial slime that grows on the tank's walls and when the bacteria is disturbed by cleaning etcetera, they feed on it. So, I've just started pump feeding the tank this weekend, and I'm counting on my regular cleaning activities to help feed them what they like. I'll post a picture once it's gets some more color on it. I think I posted one to my Journal page shortly after adding it to the tank (post #49 second picture down).


Looks pretty good there.

Hey Jon. The frag is doing well. I just put it in the Display from the Frag Tank. It is perched on a rock in the middle of the tank, but is right below the bulb. Once it spreads out, I hope to get the "color wheel" effect from the other colors nearby. I'll try and get pics, but my camera sucks.

I actually moved a few pieces since the meeting, in hopes of getting more of the color combos to conform with the color wheel.

Here's a recent pic (under 15k iwasakis). It's starting to encrust onto the rock:


Just an FYI to let you know the DBTC Rainbow Monti I'm growing out just started to color up very nicely. I'll have a photo of it up shortly. Thank you :bigsmile:

Updated 02/05/10

This photo doesn't do JAR's Rainbow Montipora (in the foreground) justice as I only snapped a half dozen before posting the best one of them here. The frag has actually purpled up completely, it's just the lighting is a little too intense. I'll try again soon, and post it here. ;)

JAR's Rainbow Montipora in the left foreground


In the background is Sid700's True Superman Monti, Tuberider
's Ponape Birdsnest (ain't she pret-tee :love: ) and behind it Xcaret
's Hydnophora. :) :D :bigsmile: