Reef nutrition


did someone say hakata ramen? Let's see if I can dig up my favorite spot.
Seriously, tanks, ramen, beer, this club is turning out to be a good decision :)
OK if you're ever in Fukuoka in Kyushu (say on the way to Okinawa or something) then by all means NO QUESTIONS ASKED go here. You like hakata ramen you say? Can't find it then call me up.

I hope this link is going to work. I "walked" myself using street view from a hotel in Wantanabe-dori that we stay at sometimes. I suppose I could practice walking around town back to the hotel using google since after about a dozen nama beers, ramen (with refil) and gyoza the swerve is on.,+fukuoka+japan,+toei+hotel&sll=33.582403,130.404038&sspn=0.001251,0.00284&ie=UTF8&ll=33.582495,130.403965&spn=0,359.99716&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=33.582568,130.403909&panoid=xdOiAfduP8HtNOM6REjQ4g&cbp=12,258.57,,0,4.03

yellow awning. Oh I'm hungry now.
hey hey Dave, we're talking ramen we can actually get here in the states. You start talking about ramen over there the whole story changes. A really fun place to hit up is the ramen museum over there. Not the greatest, but man you can try all the flavors.

Nice link :) Looks a lot like a tonkatsu place I hit up a few times in Totsuka near Yokohama. :D

Ibn- you find a lot of those type of places if you actually head out of the glitzy areas (not saying Akiba isn't great or anything ;))

Jer- there's one in SF? I've only been to the one down in SJ.
Went to Halu today and it actually wasn't as bad as I remember it.

Had the Halu ramen with whole wheat noodles (OMG! first place that I've seen that offered it), with less fat and salt, and some cha shu. Kind of bank for the portion size (the cha shu was $2.50 on the side for 3 slices), but it feels about right. The soup was thicker (like a tonkotsu type) and with the less salt tasted just about right. Now I'm just waiting to see how much water I actually end up taking down.