got ethical husbandry?

Random Gear

How many heaters? Top of the thread shows the ones available, I have some others but in storage. As far as pumps, what type/gph are you looking into? I should have some but again, in storage and as the week advances, I have to get ready for a long drive

I would like two please anything above 100 watt works. For pumps I was just going to use them to mix salt with. Anything would work, thank you!!
I would like two please anything above 100 watt works. For pumps I was just going to use them to mix salt with. Anything would work, thank you!!

I should have good pumps to mix salt, have some more heaters as well.
I’ll be busy the next couple days since I leave Friday morning but I can work something out.
An apology to those I’m not able to meet; got really busy...
I’ll be available in a few days and will make a list of what’s still available.
@MolaMola thus is the light
I’ll be up north, way way north but not too north July 3rd on visiting family.
I have more heaters at my brother’s place and some other goodies, among them
Spare target feeding tube
Long scraper with either steel or plastic blade
ATI-BM200 in great condition
Euroreef RS-180 Protein Skimmer
Assorted heaters
RO unit that might need filters
1/4 HP Aquachill Chiller (needs external temperature controller I haven’t gotten to take it apart and deal with the built-in controller, I believe Coralife)
1/4HP Chiller, also needs to be controlled with an external unit as this one is not built-in one
250W Radium MH bulbs (BN) Will? @Wlachnit
Hey! Is the RO unit still available?
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Did Will want the 250 bulbs? Do you know how much use on them?
Digging this thread out of the twilight zone.
They are new; from the days of group buy Karson had at AC. I also have some Aquamax 14K. I can set them aside for you and still have the heater.