
Recommendations for attaching AIO box?

I grabbed this overflow box at the last frag swap and am putting together an all-in-one style internal sump to help with surface skimming and provide a place to throw carbon and other media. Thought this might be nicer than finding an HOB aquaclear. The destination tank is my standard rimmed 20g long. Ideally I'd silicone it into an empty tank, but this tank is already running, and it'd be nice to have a box that was removable for cleaning/servicing.

Any recommendations on reef safe hardware I could use to attach this to a tank? Any magnets or clamp hardware you've used before and would recommend? Open to any ideas, and thanks in advance!


Not exactly what you're looking for, but I 3d printed my own in tank overflow that's friction fit. I put notes on it in

You might be able to rig up a similar setup if you're trying to keep it near the top of the tank. Super glue some sort of plastic hanger to the inside to clip over the back of the tank. I (or someone else) might even be able to print out something to hold it in place.