High Tide Aquatics

Reef Chili


No one?

I've been using RN products (which I'm very happy with), but being unemployed I'm looking for less expensive alternative for a while.

I use it, but not exclusively.
Seems a bit better than ESV dried phyto that I also use.
Absorbs water quickly, unlike some dried stuff.
Softies seem to like it. Some of the smaller fish poke at it as well.
Expensive little jar, but lasts forever.

The big bonus for me is that it is dry, not cost.
I have an automatic feeder feed flake + chili + ESV twice daily.
Then I feed various special frozen / liquid in the evening.
spray dried phyto clumps and is too large for most stuff that eats it typically. I suspect your animals are responding to the "smell" but aren't actually getting much in the way of nutrition from it.
Yes, fish are more "poking" at it, than really feeding.
But Reef Chili has more than just phyto. It has:
Zooplankton, spray dried Phytoplanton, Freeze dried Rotifers, Freeze dried Copepods,
Dried Daphnia, Spirulina Powder and Artemia nauplii.
So maybe a few things big enough to eat.

And perhaps more importantly, it is dumped with the flakes, and stimulates feeding a bit there.
Rygh perhaps my post confused you, I was only talking about a single product of which I named... spray dried phytoplankton product that you "also use" ;)
GDawson said:

No one?

I've been using RN products (which I'm very happy with), but being unemployed I'm looking for less expensive alternative for a while.


As wealthy as I am I still feed flakes and pellets when I'm lazy, no harm in that if you are alternating between those and real food (RN products, P.E., Cyclopeze etc.)
gimmito said:

I have a bottle I can give you... LMK.

Why don't you use it? Just curious whether you don't care for it or you just have something else. and yes I'dl ike to try it.


Haven't used it yet....

I've had nitrate issues and have cut back sevearly on feeding until they're under control. Once the RN product is gone I'll move over the Reef Chili and let you know.

Thanks again!

gimmito said:

How do you like the reef chili ?

I've been alternating days with reef chilli and RN products. Whereas the corals do exhibit feeding responces to RC...they SEEM to be more responsive to RN. I'll be out of RN product shortly and we'll see if there are any changes to them either in responce or condition.

nutrition response in corals takes a rather long time to expose itself, especially if your meeting most it's need (light, flow, tank params). A sure fire way to speed up the process is to go ULN. Then it seems to happen pretty rapidly.
I use it and liked it, what I do is: I use a turkey baster put some chili in it, suck up some of the tank water and let it it sit for 5 minutes until the dry food rehydrated, squirt a little bit in front of the lps corals. This will entice them to expose their pollyps, wait until the pollyps are relatively full, then I feed them. Or you can feed them at night when they are fully open.
GreshamH said:
nutrition response in corals takes a rather long time to expose itself, especially if your meeting most it's need (light, flow, tank params). A sure fire way to speed up the process is to go ULN. Then it seems to happen pretty rapidly.

ULN? Online dictionarys aren't helping with this one.......

Urban League of Nebraska
universal link negotiation
User Level Networking
University of Leicester
Upper Leaf Necrosis
Upper Limit Normal
Universal Learning Networks
University Leadership Network
University of Louisiana
Utah Library Network
Unique Linking Number
Ultra Low Noise
Unique Learner Number
Unit Line Number
Ulan Bator, Mongolia (Airport Code)
United Legal Network
Unknown Last Name

Ultra Low Nutrient aka ULNS

For reef acronyms I always use a search like "UNLS + reef" :D It delivered a lot of hits.