got ethical husbandry?

Reef Hobbyist 40B

With the new skimmer, stable water level is key and today when I did my PWC, i forgot to turn off the skimmer!! collection cup overflow in seconds and a whole week of crap went back into the sump :( :(

I'm liking this post out of empathy - I still do this sometimes and now empty the collection cup when it's 1/4 full or so just to avoid this kind of issue.

I tied the Skimmer power to the return pump power to try and avoid this - this turns off the skimmer via the controller whenever the return shuts off. However, I still run into water level issues some times between water changes, the ATO, and other components.
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Wuhoo, I finally decided on lighting and ended up going with 2 AI Hydra 26s and the new AI Wireless Controller :)

Here’s why I decided:

AI 52 - Single unit cant cover a 36″
Radion - Expensive and still a single on cant cover a 36″
2 Kessils - Awesome but expensive ($800)

2 AI 26 - Perfect! I can place them apart to control spread, super bright, costs lesser than 2 kessils, wireless control, etc.

I love the colors coming out of this one. As a first time AI user, I have to say setup just took me couple of minutes. Being used to mechanical timers on lighting, its beautiful to see these ramping up/down, climate/lightning, coral acclimation, etc. Hung them 9″ above water and 8.5″ apart. The only thing I miss is the Kessil shimmer but I guess I'll just have to get used to this...
Wuhoo, I finally decided on lighting and ended up going with 2 AI Hydra 26s and the new AI Wireless Controller :). The only thing I miss is the Kessil shimmer but I guess I'll just have to get used to this...

I think you made the right decision, Nav! I'm also sure you will be pleased with your shimmer once you get the lights and flow dialed in! Just be patient and go slowly!!
Again today I saw my emerald crab hanging upside down and its a molt! It was one whole piece, its amazing how they can leave a shell without taking it apart ;)

If you look carefully at the molt, you'll see the hing where the exoskeleton opened up and the crab backed out. For the emerald crab, I think it's usually on the belly near the back.
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After looking into different options to mount my new LEDs, I went the simple DIY route. Got 2 solid steel rods from Lowes thick enough to slide through the last baffle, cut to size, hung it and simply slid the LEDs fixtures from the side. Its 10″ above water level and looks pretty neat :)
Hey nav! Im getting a 20 gallon tank IM Nuvo to be exact.

How hard was it to build the stand? How Much did it cost to build the stand?

My stand will cost 200$
Here's a full tank shot from today. A lot has changed since the last FTS! Starting off with acans melting around Nov 2014 to recently acros STNing, it feels like my tank is recovering from a total crash! Most coral are happy with the new lights... other than the hammer, duncan & rock flower which look like they're adjusting slowly...

Sorry the photo is more blue (20% white, 90% blues)


And here's a far shot of the whole setup.

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