High Tide Aquatics

Reef Nutrition

Gomer said:
I always dump right into the tank right next to the vortech.

My preferred method and what we recommend.

From the directions on AP/OF/RF minus the amounts...

Add to high flow area, or for target feeding, premix 4 parts tank water with 1 part product.

it goes on from there about new vs old tanks, etc.
Orion said:
I have mixed the products together like a 1 to 4 ratio the 4 being water.
this is my formula
5 ml of Roti Feast
5 ml of Oyster Feast
5 ml of Artic Pods
60 ml of aquarium water
and I feed this in two feeding during the day like once in the morning and the other in the evening.
I do it 3 times a week.

All of those have similar media so they should be fine if mixed for immediate use. At no time should you mix like that and attempt to store it for any extended period of time.
So you let them sit in it for a while, like how long, hours? In the fridge?
no more than 8 hrs in the fridge.
My mix is all together a total of 75 ml. I feed one half in the morning and the other half in the evening.
You could have break down of the product in that amount of time. RAW dead shellfish goes off rather quickly.
do you suggest that I mix and use it right away better than saving part of it for later during the day?
I mean I mix a smaller quantity.
Like 3 ml of each product with 36 ml of aquarium water per feeding
Waiting a few minutes is good, up to a half hour, but I wouldn't mix for the day (mix & use it later that day).