Reef nutrition

ReefNutrition Questions (Gresham, I'm looking at you!)

Hi All,

Any idea how long phyto-feast keeps at room temperature, in a dark cabinet?

Also, can you freeze it okay? I've found that there is no way I can go through an entire 6oz bottle in two-three months with my feeding regime (combo of mysis, F1, Spretrum flakes, and a couple drips of phyto-feast.)

A couple solutions I'm pondering:

1) Re-bottling Phyto-Feast into a 1/2oz medicine dropper type bottles. That way I can keep one next to the tank or in the fridge and the rest in the freezer?

2) Same idea with Oyster-Feast, freezable? I'm guessing this one would be bad to keep at room temp.

