
Reefscaping with Emaco

Started on the 375 today - limited progress, ran out of Emaco...waiting for White Cap!





I can't decide if I like it better when it looks like 1 big rock or when it looks like many rocks stacked that should be falling over :)
One of the challenges on this build, is that the owner has some very specific designs requirements. It is always fun trying to put someone else's ideas into application - I am anxious to watch this tank grow out, he has pretty detailed stocking plans as well. I like towers and arches myself - especially the gravity defying stuff...we start on that when the Emaco comes in!
Looking nice. How far did the 10 lb. Emaco last you? I might have to get some from White cap. With the large amount of rocks you have, you you could make several different structures & types of pillars so they could be swapped out depending on the look & style your customer prefers. maybe that's your plan already, but that's what i like to do, try a few different structures & see what I like.
10 pounds did about a hundred pounds of rock. I usually dry stack stuff to give the customer an idea, we try a few different things before I do mortar work. Emaco use varies depending on what you are building but I usually get about 50 pounds of rock per 5 pounds of Emaco.
Couple new pics...

RockRack - 12 frag plug version



The "Lab"


Magnetic goodies



A couple Zoa Islands taking a sump soak...

Hey Steve, I had to go to the counter and ask for it, even at the store. They got it out of the back for me. Same with the Acryl. They do have it though.
Is this the website for the magnets? Do you recommend putting an epoxy coating on them or can they go straight into the Emaco?
Jar, I have been happy using and I have always using Tap's 2part epoxy to coat them and or seat them.
Kmooresf said:
Hey Steve, I had to go to the counter and ask for it, even at the store. They got it out of the back for me. Same with the Acryl. They do have it though.

Does any store stock that filler/glue. Or only avail online.

Looks like fun to play with!
Should be available at White Caps - but in 50# bags for the Emaco and gallon jugs for the Acryl. You might ask and see if anyone has some to spare, also available from Marco Rocks online. I usually have small portions but not sure when I'll be back in the Bay Area.