Was talking a bit about coral bleaching in our big tank with my students and how it results from zooxanthellae being expelled. A student asked if we should add zooxanthellae like we add 2-part. A quick search revealed that there are free floating zooxanthellae in the ocean. I asked Chad at Reed Mariculture about it and he said AlgaGen cultures this and has a product: https://www.marinedepot.com/algagen-phycopure-zooxanthellae
I find this very interesting. Has anyone used this product or know about zooxanthellae in the water column? I had heard that corals may take in some from nearby or grafted corals which changes their coloration. I also heard that once zooxanthellae have been expelled, you cannot be sure the coral will color up again and it can stay brown. Now I am all curious about this topic.
I find this very interesting. Has anyone used this product or know about zooxanthellae in the water column? I had heard that corals may take in some from nearby or grafted corals which changes their coloration. I also heard that once zooxanthellae have been expelled, you cannot be sure the coral will color up again and it can stay brown. Now I am all curious about this topic.