Neptune Aquatics

Reptillian peeps!!!


Supporting Member
Anyone out there have snakes?? Specifically ball pytons? I'm reading lots of conflicting information regarding their housing set ups and wanted to ask around here. They say that full grown adults need at least a 30 gallon terarrium... If I had an empty tank laying around (which I do) could I turn that into an ideal habitat for a ball python? Thanks! :D
More animals in your menagerie?!? ;)

Recently I met a lady who is breeding pythons, although I don't know if they were specifically ball pythons her emphasis was on exotic pythons. IIRC she mentioned something about keeping them in drawers, and we compared notes on breeding pythons vs. fish. The python breeder made it sound like producing captive bred pythons was much easier than fish, although she spends quite a bit of time tending to her live feed (i.e., rats). :eek:

If you'd like I can get you in touch with her.
LoL, yes, more animals. I gotta figure out if they are considered "pets" here at the apartment complex first though >.<

Sure, if you don't mind, that would be great. I did email a breeder in UT, but it would be great if I found someone locally that breeds them. Hopefully she does ball pythons. I'm not really into aggressive species, but, it would still be great to hear her thoughts.

I was asking because I have a 36 gallon bow just laying around. Wasn't even in use for a full year before my puffers were upgraded, but there haven't been any hits on CL. Since I've read that adult BPs need 30 gallons, that 36 just laying around is tempting... LOL ;)