
Restaurants around the Coliseum


Supporting Member
Michael is taking us to the A's game tonight for my bday and we're looking for a place to eat either close to there or close to BART. The only suggestion so far is Francescos. Any other suggestions? Ethnic, fun food preferred.
The problem is that there really isn't much good around that part of town. My recommendation is to go to Alameda and get something on Park St. (like Burma Superstar).
sfsuphysics said:
Burma Superstar wasn't very Burmese in my book, almost like Americanized chinese food.
Well, the menu sounds varied and kinda fun. I would have no idea what true Burmese food would be like :) We were a little pushed for time, so we went to Francescos and had a boring (foodwise) Italian dinner. The game was good. The Angels looked bad! The fireworks are always fun.