Cali Kid Corals

Rio strikes again...

After taking my kids to school today, went to pick some tools at my brother's place; went into the basement and there's this non-pleasant smell, all lights were off, I imagined where the issue was so flashlight and electrical tools; a little loose wire cap. But that smell...
Turned lights back on and there was this flickering on/off so turn lights off and find the issue.
I have a Brute container that has rock in saltwater; been there for years to sort of keep it live; at times off but then back on. Two pumps circulate the water in there, a Rio 2100 and a Rio look-alike but black plastic.
I noticed that when power was turned on, one of the pumps clicked on start so I opened the container and there was the issue; the Rio 2100 died and melted some of the block epoxy material.
Nasty black gunk floating so I took all the rock to the trash bin and dumped the water.
Now I'm three steps back before any step forward has been taken.
If anyone has some dry rock and is willing to part with, please let me know.
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ALL TAAM products are cheap for a reason!!
If at all possible STAY AWAY from cheap, made in china, pumps and heaters

I sent a Tunze Stream to R. Vitko to have it check; temporary solution is whatever I had in hand. Chopped the power cord of the Rio pumps and to the trash they went.
Even the Brute container went to the trash, cut it with a utility knife; darn hard but once the blade went in it was like butter, frozen butter.

I've got all the rock you'd ever need. Presoaked. Precured. Pest free.

I can also toss some of it in my sump if you'd like, but then it will have red planaria.

I might take your offer on some pieces, as always, much appreciated.
Dang! :mad:
Well, at least it was not in a display tank.

First time was a home display, small 46g; my wife noticed a bad smell and woke me up; since the pump was in the sump, the damage was done only in the sump.
So it was time for an emergency upgrade...
I have a rio plus 800 for years. Still running well and moves quite some water for its size.

Is Rio really that bad?

Don't really know how bad or how good but I had two experiences already, years apart and the same model I think, Rio 2100. Impeller was very clean, magnet not swollen nor a bad looking impeller howsing. I think water might have gotten into the motor block thus shorting/arching and melting whatever materials they are made of.
I've used Seio in the past, not a single issue but that's strike two...