Neptune Aquatics

Rodi smart water flow valve?


Supporting Member
There are smart water valves that monitor the flow volume so you can shut off water production after a certain set gallon. Some are wifi with apps..They have been around for a while in irrigation systems and home use..
Wondering if anyone has seen anything like this with RODI systems? Or adapted one to an rodi?
It would be nice to shut off the rodi after a pre-set gallon volume. Normally you have float valves or magnetic sensors you have to install on specific water storage containers which some are marked but most of the blue barrels/ trash cans are not marked..If I want to make 25,35,45 etc gallons of water in a 65 gallon barrel without having to change the float valve location or sensors everytime would be a lot simpler.. not to mention knowing the exact amount of salt to use every time..Would like stand alone not using apex or other reef brains.
Guess I could just use adapters from 3/4 down to 1/4 at the end production but wondering if any are designed for rodi units which I haven't found yet searching...