Reef nutrition

Rommel's Rainbow Acro.....looks like a milli?


Supporting Member
So I have a frag of the ATL Rommel's Rainbow Acro that I acquired awhile back and it looks more like a milli to me then an acro. Anyone else have this piece want to chime in on what yours look like? So far I have not been able to replicate the colors from Ming's pic.......not sure if I ever will. My piece does have a mix of reddish/orange and green/yellow tint. Maybe it will show better color when it starts to grow into a colony. So far, it's done nothing but encrust for me.
Millepora is a species of coral belongs to the genus Acropora -which would make all "Mille's" an "Acro."
Unless, you were talking about the genus Millepora (which I doubt?), which would be a fire coral.
the only way you can match mings is to have the same exact setup as him, you might come close if you run the same lighting. corals will change from one person tank to another because of the different setups. lighting etc. where you position in the tank all that could play a role in how it will color up.
A_Lee said:
Millepora is a species of coral belongs to the genus Acropora -which would make all "Mille's" an "Acro."
Unless, you were talking about the genus Millepora (which I doubt?), which would be a fire coral.

What he said ^^^^
Thanks for the replies and clarification. I always think in general terms when talking corals.....getting into specifics hurts my brain :D. Maybe I should have worded the statement a little better but I think you guys know what I'm getting at.
We do but what you said in another world would equate to "it's a domestic cat, not a feline (felis catus = domestic cat)"
I believe it is a milli, and i have mine under t5s. It looks a copper orange and red with neon yellow polyps at the tips. If it were not for the polyp extension i would say it looks very similar to Mings.
sorry that was directed toward.. nanoguy lol, because looks like atlantis recomends moderate to low light for this piece.

kurplunk, hows yours looking? also any pics we could see from both of you?
OK still tired. Both your names look close enough as to where I thought Kurplunk was asking himself questions and replying later :lol:

I do have to say that is one amazing coral :)
Knucklehead.....I have mine roughly 7"-8" down from the water surface but my bulb is 15" off of the water. Maybe I will try lowering it to see what happens. I will try to post a pic as soon as I can get a hold of the DSLR from my sis. big is your colony? If you can post a pic that would be great.