got ethical husbandry?

Root like things coming out of rock

I know exactly what you're talking about and I have no idea what it is either. Doesn't seem to bother anything. I'll try to get a photo and look at it with a magnifying glass tonight.
These things, right?

Crabby said:
If they are hard: foraminiferans. If they are soft: sponges. If they have no branches and a little red tuft: worms
IMO none of the above. Not a sponge, not hard and not a worm. But of course the name is escaping me so off i go fo hit thw books.
I used magnification, without moving the rock, and what I have does have clear feather parts at the ends. Had always been looking at them in hand and the feathers retracted. All less than half and inch long. Most quarter or so.
Those are the same things that I posted in my thread. They are growing everywhere. I had a bunch on my locline I ended up taking it off and soaking it in vinegar.
John, yours look like they have color to them, seems like algae to me. These I've only ever seen growing out if rocks, and never in overwhelming abundance