
Sad to leave this hobby

I am considering--seriously--having to get rid of my dream tank. It is a RS 3XL 900 (3 yrs almost) with all top RS equipment and Apex etc. In March I took on a full time position at work and I just can't keep up, esp. as I work in retail and usually do not get 2 days off in a row. On top of that, my hands are cr**. Arthritus and multiple trigger fingers both hands. Even scraping the glass is difficult and I won't talk about trying to do sump maintenance. I can't close my hands more of the time and have lost strength. I'm doing some stuff to try to fix/heal, but in the meantime, I just can't deal with this tank and there are no services close to Tracy to call upon.

It saddens me, as this was my dream tank--went from a 60g to 125 and then this one (220) but I need to look into selling this monster tank. With no strength to speak of in my hands right now, I won't be able to do much even in a tear down. At 68 I may have more health issues down thte line so maybe this is the universe saying it's time to move on.

If anyone has suggestions or knows someone who wants to upgrade please let me know.

On the good news front, being totally neglected, my corals are thriving lol's. Dead corals are thriving once again. Salinity is high, they don't care. Don't test often. They don't care. Dosing when I remember to fill the containers or splash some in the sump. Even my chaeto is growing. I need to remove 3/4 of it again.

Bad news is there is aptasia but it's not getting worse.... And I don't do water changes and my NO3 is normally good to low. Po4 sometimes a bit higher but this tank has always been so dialed in it runs itself

Here is a link (if allowed to my build thread) on R2R

anyway, any help or advice appreciated.

Susan--Overwhelmed.... Pic is a year ago

Hey Susan, I’m the person who commented on your thread on Reef2Reef. You have your location on there but not on here so I won’t mention your city until you post it, but I’d suggest mentioning your city and maybe someone knows if anyone does maintenance in that area? I know we have a couple of members here who do maintenance professionally but I’m not sure how far their reach goes or if they’re taking on clients
I am considering--seriously--having to get rid of my dream tank. It is a RS 3XL 900 (3 yrs almost) with all top RS equipment and Apex etc. In March I took on a full time position at work and I just can't keep up, esp. as I work in retail and usually do not get 2 days off in a row. On top of that, my hands are cr**. Arthritus and multiple trigger fingers both hands. Even scraping the glass is difficult and I won't talk about trying to do sump maintenance. I can't close my hands more of the time and have lost strength. I'm doing some stuff to try to fix/heal, but in the meantime, I just can't deal with this tank and there are no services close to Tracy to call upon.

It saddens me, as this was my dream tank--went from a 60g to 125 and then this one (220) but I need to look into selling this monster tank. With no strength to speak of in my hands right now, I won't be able to do much even in a tear down. At 68 I may have more health issues down thte line so maybe this is the universe saying it's time to move on.

If anyone has suggestions or knows someone who wants to upgrade please let me know.

On the good news front, being totally neglected, my corals are thriving lol's. Dead corals are thriving once again. Salinity is high, they don't care. Don't test often. They don't care. Dosing when I remember to fill the containers or splash some in the sump. Even my chaeto is growing. I need to remove 3/4 of it again.

Bad news is there is aptasia but it's not getting worse.... And I don't do water changes and my NO3 is normally good to low. Po4 sometimes a bit higher but this tank has always been so dialed in it runs itself

Here is a link (if allowed to my build thread) on R2R

anyway, any help or advice appreciated.

Susan--Overwhelmed.... Pic is a year ago

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Sorry that you are going through the trouble with Arthritus. My wife suffers from it very badly and it effects all if her actions to the point she has been disabled and unable to work for over 10 years.

I would also suggest the possibility of a tank service with all the automation you said the tank has you could possibly get by with a once a month/ month and a half service.

What city or general sf bay area region are you located in?

I'm no expert like others here, however if you are near the southbay I would be willing to give you a hand with some general maintenance on occasion (no charge.) If you are nearby and open to help let me know.

Just to clarify I'm no tank service professional by any means. I'm only a fellow hobbist willing to offer a helping hand. I have a few reef tanks myself and i definitely understand your point of the effort it evolves.

Good luck with everything. Feel free to reach out.

Best wishes,
Hey Susan, I’m the person who commented on your thread on Reef2Reef. You have your location on there but not on here so I won’t mention your city until you post it, but I’d suggest mentioning your city and maybe someone knows if anyone does maintenance in that area? I know we have a couple of members here who do maintenance professionally but I’m not sure how far their reach goes or if they’re taking on clients
Thanks for that reminder. I'm in Tracy and there isn't a lot around me lol's
Hi Susan are you deciding to sell the tank? Or looking for help maintaining the tank like a service coming over once or twice a month? Fowler with some simple softies/shrooms would relieve alot of work ! Thats one impressive build thread especially the branches was nice to glance over…
I pass through Tracy once a month or so and your right not many choices out there!
Best of luck
I think @Reefer Madness is out that way and might know some people.
I'm in the turlock area and unfortunately there isn't much out here in the central valley. I'm not sure of maintenance service's as I have never looked for one. This was my main reason for joining this group was to get to know more people in the reefing community even if the community isn't very close to me.
Hi Susan are you deciding to sell the tank? Or looking for help maintaining the tank like a service coming over once or twice a month? Fowler with some simple softies/shrooms would relieve alot of work ! Thats one impressive build thread especially the branches was nice to glance over…
I pass through Tracy once a month or so and your right not many choices out there!
Best of luck
I think the handwriting is one the wall to sell. Much as I hate to do so. I've been in the hobby since 2016 with a RS Max c250, then a used 125 and then this tank. I even have a rse170 in garage but still the issue of time. I can't even get to fish stores to get fish and corals right now!!!
Here are some pic of the set up. The water station in garage has an ardurino set up so when full, it shuts off. Right now, the floss in the sock holders is still white. Been 2-3 weeks.
Tested today out of curiousity.
No3 .5 tested again 0
PO4 2.8 need more phosguard! Should have retested to be sure but I do feed pellets and frozen
ALK 7..1 Low but container had just run out
CA 360-380
MG always over 1600 so don't even test. I see coraline on glass so I know its good lol'sx
I have pics of corals too I'll do separately. My office is 10x10 so hard to get a full shot!

another cabinet on other side
It is a plate coral. The coral actually died or almost died and then it started coming back, and it actually looks a lot better than ever. It amazes me. I have a lobo that I've never seen the feeders out and I see them out all the time now. Several of my corals were almost lost and have come back , like that lobo. It was dead with just a hint of color and it looks better now than when I got it..
It is a plate coral. The coral actually died or almost died and then it started coming back, and it actually looks a lot better than ever. It amazes me. I have a lobo that I've never seen the feeders out and I see them out all the time now. Several of my corals were almost lost and have come back , like that lobo. It was dead with just a hint of color and it looks better now than when I got it..
Yeah! I have a single plate that came off of a colony like that :)