So I was at AC the other day and had them run my water with the Aquaspin. Figured it would be intresting to see how close it was to my own testing. Well, Ca and Mg were close enough, but Alk was way different. My Salifert testing shows 8.3-8.6 over the last few weeks. Aquaspin said 12.156!!! I then had them do a salifert test in the shop. it showed 12 as well! I was like, "WHAT THE..." So then I figured my test kit might be bad. Bought a new one, came home, tested the water....8.3. Now I don't know what to think. I've dbl and triple checked how I do the test. Just checked again right now, got a 8.6 reading.
pH 8.3 Aqua spin 8.0 Apex probe
Ca 420 Aqua spin and 440 API
Mg 1078 Aqua spin and Salifert 1140
What do you all think...other than Mg is low =)
pH 8.3 Aqua spin 8.0 Apex probe
Ca 420 Aqua spin and 440 API
Mg 1078 Aqua spin and Salifert 1140
What do you all think...other than Mg is low =)