got ethical husbandry?

Salinity MG levels

I blame my red bugs and AEFW on Brawndo :( It apparently is what they crave as well :(
Hey Bryan,

I had the same problem but with the Seachem bucket.... After many frustrated attempts I actually found out that the kit I was using was giving me wrong results. Coincidentally, it was the same one you posted in that link. I even confirmed with the standard that came with the kit. I don't know... Maybe I was doing something wrong or something. I only discovered the problem with the kit after I switched to Salinity and bought a new kit.
So, my suggestion is try to use another kit.
So I did just that. Brian came by and we used his Salifert kit and the readings in the mixed water were more on par with what they should be. Still get a ton of crud in the bucket but no worries there. I called Seachem and sent them a sample of my salt to be certain. They are also sending me a new Mag test kit.

Chicken Little out.
Yeah, just got done doing 2 70g water changes. Strange though that if my mag actually was that high I would be seeing no signs of distress from my snails.

Hopefully the big water changes will help everything get back into whack.
I dose my tank with BRS Mag in one shot after every gallon of CA mix is used. Keeps my Mag level hovering around 1300. I'm using the Salifert test kit and like it a lot. In my tank I'm nowhere near dosing equal parts of ALK and CA. I dose about 2 CA to 1 ALK to keep Ph and Carb hardness correct. Things are looking up! :)