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Scuba Diving Certification/Recommendations, etc.

I did several hours of SNUBA diving while in Hawaii a few weeks ago and it got me interested in the 'sport' at large. I was looking at getting my diving certification and had a few questions I was hoping someone here could help out with or point me in the right direction...

1) Is there a preferred/recommended certification method - what type of options are available? The two I've seen are 20 hours of class + dive, or take home CD/DVD + dive

2) What is the difference between scuba certification and Dive Master certification?

3) Are there place in California, or specifically, the Bay Area that offer good/decent diving?

4) Are there gear kits? What's recommended (wetsuit, snorkel gear, tank gear, weights, etc.). Is there a 'nike' brand for items that signifies quality or is it more loose than that?

5) Is there a bay area (or something similar) sort of group of divers that take excursions together, etc?

2) What is the difference between scuba certification and Dive Master certification?

A Dive Master usually is a basic assistant instructor with many prerequsite classes needed to get to that level.

I'm a PADI Divemaster and I had to take open water, advanced, rescue, medic first aid and some others I now forget.

Where in the Bay Area are you? That determines the store people would recommend.

As for gear, most stores will want you to buy a hoody, booties, gloves, mask, snorkel and fins. The rest you can rent. Brand names, every one has an opinion on that. If you land a good store, they'll guide you :)

Both my local stores are great. I have no clue about ones over the hill in the BA though (I'm in Santa Cruz).
If you plan on doing the class at night I suggest a local place as it can be pretty tiring doing the class work, then wet work, then driving home. I lived 15 minutes away and most classes i wasn't home till closer to midnight, but I had to put away all the gear :lol: