Cali Kid Corals

sexy shrimp eating my corals.

GreshamH said:
How long have you had the blasto? If you got it within the lat two months I place bets on the coral receding on it's on and the shrimp are removing necrotic tissue. It may look fine, but blastos are notorious for falling apart in the first few months. Sexy Shrimp will remove necrotic tissue, and parasites as well :)

I think you might be right. we have had them for about a month now and they are looking fine. the shrimp can't get to them were they are now. at least easily I mean. But I did see them eating the tissue off of it. But is there any signs to look for if there are any parasites? that was the last piece of coral or anything for that matter. My girlfriend feeds them daily most of the time because she is feeding her dendro. blasto seems great today. so I will post a pic of them tomarrow cause the lights are out to see if they are recovering or dying from whatever it might be that is making the shrimp eat them. thanks for the detailed and logical explanation. It comes in handy when trying to deal with certain issues.
I really don't know what the deal is with them but I doubt it's a parasite. The TLC you and your GF are giving it is the best thing you can do. Surely the shrimp weren't helping it though, even if it was necrotic tissue. I doubt the constant yanking on it doesn't aid in recovery :)
GreshamH said:
For the most part my luck with blastos is horrible. Mine look fine for a while then just fall a part in short order. They're like Elegance. They look really healthy until they turn the corner then it's a very rapid decent :(

IN wholesale we stopped getting them in as they ship very poorly and we'd loose on average 50% of all ordered :(
So far I've had great success with this coral in the past. I got a freebie from a LFS that nobody likes to mention that they go to and it was pretty much dead and had only 3 polyps or what looked like polyps left. now they have doubled in size and making a comeback like the 1989 Super Bowl with the 49ers against the Cincinnati Bengals.
as for the elegance coral, I as well do not have any luck with cause they are quite beautiful. I had a buddy who had one before he tore down his tank and that thing was huge. probably the nicest one I've seen.