Reef nutrition

Sfork’s 90.3 WaterBox


Supporting Member
After doing a mostly diy drilling and sumps decided to get something real nice looking. Unfortunately with a botched light acclimation, two new xr15’s fried my old tank in August my 4 anemones and all my LPS gone. Also unfortunately during the tank swap all my inverts died, I think there was copper dust in my temporary tank that almost made me lose all my fish but I was able to save the clowns and the tang (maybe?).

Here’s to a fresh start I suppose. I ordered the waterbox on blue Friday. I opted for new rock because I had been suspicious of my old rock leeching. I just bought the pack they offered as an appropriate amount of rock. It was delivered 4 base rocks (20 lb) and like 10 arcs/shelfs(40lb)??? You can kind of see it I had to break some up. I’m not sure what they expected me to do with so many arcs and shelf’s they were kind of all the same too.



My throuple of clowns and blue tang

The big clown (MeMaw) I got from a BAR member over a decade ago from that shop that opened in Berkeley for a bit sorry I’m horrible with names. Her original pair died in a tank move 8 years ago. I got her a replacement partner and they lived in the back ass corner for 6 years.

2 years ago at Silicon Valley CoralFarmersMarket Jan 2020 I got a young pair of clowns hoping they would live in the front of the tank where the anemones are. I kind of trapped them with a breeder box and one of Oliver’s small BTAs. They figured it out and lived there far away from the original pair. At some point in 2021 MeMaw killed her partner of 6 years and became the queen of the new pair and also moved into the anemones. They’ve been perfectly content as a female, male, juvenile throuple for over a year now.

I’m hoping I can get an anemone in the tank before she moves them all to the back corner again.
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Rocks been underwater for 6 weeks. Of course it’s time to stock up on Christmas sales. My one surviving coral is actually showing signs of polyps after shedding for 3 weeks. It’s the sad leather laying on the sand. The rainbow BTA finally picked a spot after moving every night of course my clowns dgaf. Also the tiniest black window in a shot glass




After about a month of moving around I saw the nem floating around at 5 am and just shoved it under a rock right in the front. Surprisingly it stuck.
Added 2 cleaner shrimp and everyone lined up for a cleaning. The shrimp were scared and the fish were trying to convince them by laying on the sand. After 2 days they started cleaning the fish.

The hunt for pink continues got some pink zoas at high tide and a pink Monti at aquatic collection. The klepto lepto I got with my black widow nem also is starting to turn pink



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A mysis a day really made that black widow grow. Tanks doing well, I’m over feeding and there’s cyno on the sand but the Florida cerths really clear it up by midnight. My Duncan’s are looking a bit hurt despite all my other LPS thriving. My tang has been picking on my yellow hammer so I started adding nori took 3 days for it to figure out wtf it was.


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I’m back! The kids are finally old enough to play together so I have some free time. The tanks been stable I had a huge long hair algae problem that mysteriously went away 3 weeks ago. Which led me to actually doing some water tests. Alk was low so I switched from kalk to 2 part. Calibration fluid showed my refractometer was way off.

My black widow split at some point and both are huge. There’s an rbta I bought from another member near the top.


There’s also this weird klepto lepto that somehow self propagated. The spot I put it was the bigger one on the bottom and it somehow propagated up the rockwork.

Since the last post the lepastrea and the JF Freak Hair on the bottom left started all out war. Pulled the rock out and broke all the Freak Hair off because it was losing and it was smaller.

Amazingly the Freak hair mother colony is recovering, it was 95% bleached, but not skeleton. Now it's only 75% bleached. hard to tell from the picture but the ultraviolet pink is just see through to the bone white. But I can tell the flesh is still there because of the little green nubs.

Saw your very first post in this journal to where you are today, happy to see it's been working out your tank looks beautiful!
I had a failure success. I went to High Tide and got a cool lookin SPS which I immediately murdered with too much red sea dip about a month ago. I thought it was a goner it bleached out completely but I left it in the tank. I guess it couldn't handle the dip and the current because the shielded side has since recovered a lot of color.

My freak hair colony has also gotten about 90% of it's color back.

The longhair disappearance problem I had was my nutrients bottoming out. I've basically quadrupled my feedings and am watching my Phos to make sure it doesn't get too high. My algae grazing snails were looking very lethargic for awhile there. My numbers are back up and the snails seem to be keeping up, there's only bigger algae on the waterline where the snails don't seem to eat. In hindsight I should have thrown some algae wafers in there or something for them to eat.
