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Shaving brush


2 more shoots spotted today. these guys have doubled in approx 3 weeks


mermaids fan put out a new one :)
only been a few days but my shaving brush is looking very good. The color on both has really brightened very nicely and they are looking healthy. Will post some pics tonight.
good to hear they're doing well. I remember getting one about 2 years ago, thought they looked really cool. Unfortunatley after a couple months I saw it wasn't growing and looked unhealthy. I pulled it out of the sandbed and once I got it out of the tank it totally reeked! it was basically rotting so out it went. your tank must be 'shaving-brush' friendly. ;D
OK.. i'm wrong.. the new heads are the Christmas tree ones not the shaving brush.. The two shaving brush are doing fine though.. Hopefully they shoot out new head soon. I have 5 new christmas tree heads ;D 8) ..