Neptune Aquatics

Shit - tank crashing

Late to the thread. Sorry this happened to you. Sometimes crap happens even when we are vigilant with tank parameters. That being said, I would recommend occasionally testing instead of waiting for a reason to test. Definitely had a few occasions where I’ve preemptively detected something off just by random testing and was able to course correct before anything detrimental happened to the tank.

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I'm sorry for your loss. At least now you've learned a valuable lesson.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Now others will learn from this too.
Late to the thread. Sorry this happened to you. Sometimes crap happens even when we are vigilant with tank parameters. That being said, I would recommend occasionally testing instead of waiting for a reason to test. Definitely had a few occasions where I’ve preemptively detected something off just by random testing and was able to course correct before anything detrimental happened to the tank.

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Yeah, randomly test your dt but randomly test your new saltwater? I may have tested alk on new saltwater maybe once. Let’s be honest here, I barely have motivation to test my dt so when it comes to testing my new saltwater (other than salinity) it’s just not going to happen. I’m sure I’m not the only one.