got ethical husbandry?

Should I worry about adding more Lyretail anthias to an existing group?

No experience with this, but If you’d like to try using an acclimation box I have one you can borrow in SF. It can either hang on the side or suction cup on.
Best of luck with the new additions!
No experience with this, but If you’d like to try using an acclimation box I have one you can borrow in SF. It can either hang on the side or suction cup on.
Best of luck with the new additions!
TY for the offer, but I have the CPR one to use myself, but I find until I release them I don't really know of they will be treated.
So far I added 2 new females today...minor fighting with similar size fish in group. I guess establishing pecking order.
No experience with this, but If you’d like to try using an acclimation box I have one you can borrow in SF. It can either hang on the side or suction cup on.
Best of luck with the new additions!

This is often standard operating procedure with Wrasse's. I'll keep a new tank wrasse in the acclimation box for 2-4 days. While there will still be some minor territorial displays and chasing after release it absolutely cuts down on aggression. It would probably work the same with Anthias if you're worried.