High Tide Aquatics

Slow partial tank crash

I have at least 12 nassarius snails in my 120 and they do come out mostly when I feed the tank but noticed they come out at night or early morning too. They do a good job of breaking up my sand but I love the diamond goby best of all for that job. They can jump initially, re-engineer the sand around each rock, and spit sand all over so you can't put a lot of corals directly on the sand sometimes but it keeps my sand clean looking all over!
I had 2 fighting conchs for a while.
They helped a bit, like the Nassarius.
I probably needed more.

Still, sand bed affects maximum flow as well. So I am still pretty undecided.
Perhaps time for a new "Makeover" tank thread if I plan all these big changes.
How many Nassarius snails per gallon do you have?
I tried them, and they mostly remained buried and unmoving until I fed. Then they would eat and go back to sleep.
So I gave up after trying them.
Perhaps I had way to few and it takes some critical mass before they work well ??
I only started with about 15 for a 240G tank.
I currently run like 8-10 but I have the much smaller ones that most people aren't used to. I think I got them from Reef Raft.

For your 240, if it were me, I'd probably get like at least 30 to start and then take it from there.
Things are starting to recover pretty well now.
This one below was almost pure white, just a few spots of faded green.
Now there is a fair amount. Looks like only some parts truly died.
Purple color is not real, more of a camera white balance artifact.