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Someone asked me “ How to kill blue clove polyps.

A few months ago someone asked me how to kill blue clove polyps. I couldn’t remember who asked me that question. At that time I couldn’t remember the chemical to kill it. I just ran across the chemical. So whoever asked me. The chemical is fenbendazole would kill them.
A few months ago someone asked me how to kill blue clove polyps. I couldn’t remember who asked me that question. At that time I couldn’t remember the chemical to kill it. I just ran across the chemical. So whoever asked me. The chemical is fenbendazole would kill them.
And a lot of other stuff- do a lot of learning before using
Method of administration?
Side effects...what else will it kill?
Will it work on the purpley brown burgundy polyps?
It'll kill most encrusting octocorals and severely piss off / kill the non-encrusting ones. I've known it to kill gsp, xenia, firework cloves, but also to really damage and kill leather corals and gorgonians. As a dewormer it'll also kill worms (feather dusters, christmas tree) and I'm pretty sure it's really not good for snails.

Not to say this is 100% bad, just be wary of consequences. Always, always, always do your own research, be knowledgeable about any med before you use it.

Reef Beef podcast has a video about these chemical treatments with an expert guest, which has greatly discouraged me from using these treatments and antibiotics. The research is incomplete and because of the wide-ranging effects there's great risk that we are harming things that we don't know we're harming, including stuff we like.