
Something eating my fish

I think my Emerald crabs are swiping at my fish and taking them out.

One of my clowns is now showing the same signs my Sand Sifter guy had.

Darned crabs are hella hard to get out too.
I am kind of doubting that an emerald would take down a healthy clown fish. I am guessing you may have something else going on in the tank. I don't hold myself out as any fish expert by any means for the most part they are just to keep my wife happy with the tank so I can buy more coral.

I was reading in another post that you have two domino damsels. I have heard that they can be extremely aggressive. I would think they are way more likely the culprits.

BTW if you are just looking for a sand cleaner or an algea eater you are probably much better with a small army of blue leg hermits and snails and perhaps a serpant star or two.

If you are that desperate to get the emeralds out you can try the inside out coke bottle trick. Emeralds are prety touchy I have a couple in my tank only because they are one of the few know eaters of valonia (bubble algae) but if they start to get to big they can get a little aggressive and troublesome.
You may be right about my dominos. They chase everyone around. It may be time to give them up.

The emeralds I have are rather big. I purchased them when they were about dime sized and are now well past quarter size. I really have no idea what is eating my fish. My chromis seem to be fine. I hate to see my fish die. They are still my pets and I feel like a failure when I see one die.

At least there are no mysterious things eating my dogs!
If I remember right and it has been a loooooong time since I had damsels in my tank (like probably 15-20 years ago) the domino's are the most agrressive of the commonly available damsels.

Honestly, and I know some will disagree with me, damsels are the goldfish of salt water. Great starter fish for newbies very hearty and inexpensive but once you start progressing they are the first thing you want out.

How big is your tank and how long has it been up and running? Do you have a bunch of liverock? I am still failing to see the need for the emeralds in the first place.
I have a ton of liverock in my tank. The tank has been up and running for about 8 months now. I purchased the crabs because I was told they would help keep my tank clean of algae.

I have a 35 with a 55 that is cycling.
In my experience, they have been an absolute terror in the tank.

Sorry, I meant "they" as in the damsels were absolute terrors. They ruled the tank when I had them in a 155g tank.
Domino's IMO aren't the most aggressive. They are very aggresive, but they can at least live in packs. Try that with a Fiji devil, or a Sulfur damsel.