High Tide Aquatics

Sometimes I hate being responsible! (mini-rant)


Supporting Member
Just saw that 8 days opened up at our time share at Kona on the Big Island... would have cost me something like $300 out of pocket to stay there (airfare would have cost another $1000 easy for me and the wife but that's fine) however I just noticed the dates, Sunday of this week to Sunday of next week, and I have finals to give on Monday and Tuesday, AND I promised to proctor a couple finals for an instructor who's father just passed away on Tuesday as well... BLAH!!!

Ok rant over.
Yeah if I only had tenure... I could abuse my power, find some underling to proctor my finals and be sipping mai tais on at some beach or something :D (never been to the big island, but I'm sure I can get a mai tai there even if they don't have half the developed resorts that some of the other islands have!)
I've never been to the Big Island as well... it's on my bucket list
the Big Island is cool. Don't look for much night life though. at the Hilton (I think) had dinner at a restaurant on the beach and got a discount for watching the sunset, kind of an early bird dinner I guess.
If it makes you feel any better, there are grrrreat deals for Big Island trips throughout the year, just gotta keep an eye on the expedia/etc specials tickers. :)