Cali Kid Corals

SPS RTNing at trunk towards base?

Hey Guys,

I wanted to know if anyone knew why this would happen... basically one mini colony I have has base which is well encrusted... then the main trunk where the sps starts up... then ton sof branches ... the base of the trunk has began rtning. It's whitish/gray on parts of the trunk. I am not sure if the whole colony is doomed so I need to just start cutting to save the branches, but I'd have a lot of branches if I did that. The RTNing appears to be spreading slowly.

What do people think?


- Herman
Sometimes corals loose some flesh at the base due to lower light/flow, if it is happening rapidly though that could be an omen and you may want to chop it, keep and eye on it.
Thanks. the branches are covering up the base really good so maybe that contributes to it. I'm going to definitely watch it carefully.
tuberider said:
Sometimes corals loose some flesh at the base due to lower light/flow, if it is happening rapidly though that could be an omen and you may want to chop it, keep and eye on it.
Is it rappidly loosing tissue(RTN)? Or slowly loosing tissue(STN)?
I have also seen this happen when the colony becomes infested with a pest...