TWO-YEAR UPDATE! This July marks year two of my tank's launch. I'm happy with how it has turned out. Parameters are stable, automation running like clockwork, and now it's mostly watching the tank grow, moving and selecting corals that are more compatible with their neighbors.
June '21 I removed the UV sterilizer after accidentally breaking the quartz sleeve when cleaning it. I tapped the sleeve just-so-right against the edge of the sump when disassembling. With the UV removed, so too came out the DIY algae reactor I built, as water was supplied by the UV pump's line. I plan to just grow cheato in the front right chamber of the sump with a hanging grow lamp. Simpler to maintain, a lot quieter (I had 500 gph going through the UV), and easier removing detritus that settles in this area of the sump. I don't run socks, so I need to be able to get in here easily to vacuum from time-to-time.
Looking at basic parameters, tank is settling in. Auto water changes are performed 4x/day at 500 ml; total 2 liters per day; 25% total volume per month. I feed the tank live food (see above post) and I feed fish a mg pellets, nori, and a cube of mysis occasionally. In the table below you'll see NO3 drop to 3 and stay there. That's when I started dosing NOPOX. Easy as that.
Lights are set to 18K at 60% and run 8 hours after a lengthy ramp-up and -down of blues. I dose Little Fishies two-part at 30 ml/day. Other dosing includes: Microbacter-7 (1 ml per week), NOPOX (4 ml/day), ChaetoGro (when growing), trace elements, and
refrigerated fresh food.
I pull the sump for its annual deep-clean in August. Not looking forward to that.
Parameters (current; and 1-yr avg):
NO3: 3; 10.3 (1-yr avg)
PO4: 0.05; 0.043 (1-yr avg)
Ca: 475; 419 (1-yr avg)
Mg: 1100; 1400 (1-yr avg)
ALK: 8.8; 8.3 (1-yr avg)
pH: 8.25
Salinity: 35
Temp: 78.5 (sump) The display runs a couple degrees lower.