
Still having issues with my tank...

I don't know if minor deviations in 'the big three' (CA/Alk/Mg) will cause the issues you are seeing. You certainly want to get it as 'correct' as possible.

How about stray voltage?
NH4, NO2, NO3, and PO4 testing in that order?

I don't know how much help I'll be but I'll try to chime in, if it's something I am familiar with.

2.5 meq/l alk is still low. I know I have problems if I ever let it get down that far before dosing.

Can you try to target 3.5 meq/l average?

1170 ppm Mg is slightly low, and can be a problem if your kit is reading on the high side.

Can you target 1300-1400 ppm Mg?
Any articles I can read on raising Alk and Mag?

I know that Mag has to be raised slowly, like very slowly.
Should I get 2 part ans start dosing it or get kalkwasser and slowly drip it? I think kalk will raise PH and Alk, which I want.
Vlad, go to Costco and buy a 6 (or is it 12?) pound bag of baking soda. Go to Leslie's Pool Supply (there is one in Sunnyvale, near that Thai Spoons place we used to have lunch at) on El Camino and by the Calcium Chloride stuff. I think it's called "Hardness Plus". Read the article.

Keep it away from the baby though!

Your Mg probably can go from 1170 to 1350 in one jump without problem. Just check if you need to do salinity adjustments after adding a bunch of Mg.

This reef chemistry calculator is useful for figuring out your dosing.

Just make sure you select the proper measurement units and products.